Tuesday, June 25, 2024

What a lovely site, yet it's disheartening to see it lacking in traffic.


Your website is beautifully designed, but it deserves more organic traffic. I recommend enhancing your site's visibility through guest posts and backlinks, which can improve your Google rankings.

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Thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Friday, June 9, 2023

website errors preventing itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com from showing up in Google…

Hello itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com Team,

This is Lucas here, While searching over the search engine thought, it would be a good idea to do an analysis on itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com as your website looked exquisite!, very well written and informative. That said, Coronavirus has slowed things down for businesses everywhere. In due course, customers are going to need help from you or a competitor. Here is a chance, to either drive them to itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com or drive them to your competitors.

I see your competitors in Google Maps, I can't find your business for the keywords that can bring in visitors. I can send you a free audit that will show you the issues that are causing the website performance over search engines.

  • Fixing the issues will boost the website reach and help you get more customers for itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com.
  • Generate leads and revenue in few months.
  • Freeze competitors out Google's search results for specific, high-value keywords.
I am keeping this short, but I can give you my word, if given a chance, we can turn this around to make the website a huge success. If you would be interested, I can send you an analysis report of the website for your reference

Looking forward to your response.

Have a great day.

Thanks & Regards,
Lucas Young | (Analyst)

Disclaimer:-If Interested we will send more details on our "corporate identity", "company profile", "why you should choose us?", "Price list",  etc. in our next email. Newsletter, If Not, You can simply reply with "remove" and we will delete your email from our list. "The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003".

Monday, January 23, 2023

would love to write for your blog

Hi there — I'm Sophia Young. I'm a writer, and I recently quit a non-writing job to pursue a career in publishing. I know we all have to start somewhere, so I'm offering to write for your blog (for free!) in the hopes of being able to build my portfolio. 

Here are some of my published works:

I can send over some titles that might be a good fit for your blog at itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com. Or you can just let me know what you want me to work on, and I'm on it. Let me know!




With kindness,

Sophia Young

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Business Proposal

Good Day,

My name is Diezani Alison Madueke, I am the former Minister of
Petroluem in Nigeria, I have business proposal which may
interest you. I have $25 million USD here in England and
currently looking for an investor who can secure this money on my
behalf due to my ordea.

I am willing to give you 30% of the total sum for your assistance
and commitment to secure this money.
if you are interested please write me in my email :

Till I hear from you,
Yours Sincerely,
Diezani Alison

Friday, January 6, 2023

Good Day


We invite you to take advantage of the on-going Private
Partnership Funding PPF through our portfolio managers at the
Dubai International Financial Center DIFC, I am a financial
consultant and mortgage broker with over 21years experience in
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soliciting for SME, public and private firms who are pursuing
capital injection for their production growth or expansion.

There are terms and conditions that qualify applicants to the
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ensure that subscribers to the PPF do not default on the
repayment of the interest on the loan and to maintain a
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upon which the PLS is granted. Should you be interested to
participate in this offer, I would implore you to share your
Business Plan or Executive Summary for review and if your
business plan meets the probable consideration for the PPF, I
shall revert to you by recommending you to these service
providers at the DIFC.

Mr. Mathew

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Please reply. 


My name is Mrs. Rosemary Adams, from the United Kingdom, I was
diagnosed with cancer about 3 years ago, I want to tell you
something that is very important, I may die anytime soon, please
respond as soon as possible,
Thank you.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

贷款优惠 We Need Company Representative & Broker, do you speak English? & Can we discuss?


I am Xu from Hong Kong, We are looking for Financial
brokers/representative/agent to work with us to reach local
borrowers. %1 commission will be paid per project funding. We are
still funding from $1million to $15 Billion (LOAN) to Private
Individuals / Company @ 2% interest rate per annul, for 10 to 15
years yearly with a 2 year grace period. There will be face-to-
face loan closure meeting to sign the loan agreement and funds

Let me know your project for funding and i will send you our
terms and condition.


Monday, December 12, 2022

I would like to write for your site


Hope you are doing Great!

My name is Baker and I am a Digital Marketer and Content Writer,

I've been following your blog for quite some time now, and I love your content and the topics you share with your readers on your site.

Such a great blog and I do appreciate your insights and thoughts,

I noticed that you have a few opportunities for guest posting,

I'm interested in contributing content to your blog,

The Articles which I will be providing you will be 100% Unique, Copy scrape Protected,

Please let me know if you are interested in this,

Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

贷款优惠 it’s very important message, do you speak English? & Can we discussion?


I am Xu from Hong Kong, We are looking for Financial
brokers/representative/agent to work with us to reach local
borrowers. %1 commission will be paid per project funding. We are
still funding from $1million to $10 Billion (LOAN) to Private
Individuals / Company @ 2% interest rate per annul, for 10 to 15
years yearly with a 2 year grace period. There will be face-to-
face loan closure meeting to sign the loan agreement and funds

Let me know your project for funding and i will send you our
terms and condition. here is my private email:


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Great Job Openning - Work Remotely From Home


Hello, my name is Mr. Peter Osbourne. I work as Head of Recruitment at Business Finance Direct Ltd. We understand that the rise in cost of living couple with rise in inflation has impacted the life of hundreds on families around the world. We are please to inform you that we have a great JOB Opening as an Account Receivable Officer in the USA and CANADA. This offer comes with a monthly salary of $3,000 and a 5% commission on any completed transaction plus other benefits.

If you are interested please kindly get in touch with me so we can forward the Full Job Description to you. I will be looking forward to hearing and working with you in the nearest future.

Kind Regards
Mr. Peter Osbourne
Business Finance Direct Ltd
Cwmllethryd Ganol, Llanelli
SA14 8HZ
United Kingdom.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Re : itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com : SEO & Web Design At Reasonable Price!!!

Hi itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com,


I am Adam Watts, Business Development Manager.


I see that you relate with Web Design / SEO Services.


We will be optimizing your website itsaboutthemoney.blogspot.com in the major search engines like Google & Bing which results in improvements in keyword ranking, traffic & link popularity.


If you want your website to appear on first page of Google & Bing then please let me know.


Do you want to drive more traffic to your web site?


1.       Web Content Writing Services with Affordable Price!!


2.       Make your website visible on Search Engines!!


3.       Improve your business website ranking!!


4.       Cost of per keywords?


5.       Price for services monthly & annually?


6.       Full detail of Web design, SMO, SEO services?


7.       Analysis your websites? ...etc.


We can provide you 1st to 10th position in Google rankings at very affordable prices.


Email us back to get a full proposal.


Thanks & Kind Regards

 Adam Watts,

Marketing Manager


Note:- If this is something you are interested, please respond to this email.

If this is not your interest, don't worry, we will not email you again.


Friday, April 29, 2022

Saturday, March 24, 2018

hi Jason






Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fwd: kathy

Sent from my iPad

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

IIATMS: Change is here

Friends, the time is now.

Effective immediately, I will begin anew at my new location, It's About The Money, Stupid. I thank you once again for taking time to read and react here, but it's time for a change.

The new site has nearly all of the old postings from here in archives, sortable by year, by month. I've also added a Forum for expanded discussions. I really hope this becomes a key feature for all of us. We've had some good discussions and debates; I envision the Forums becoming our record of these. The more you write, the better it will become. I think you need to join/sign-in, but that's pretty easy.

My "Daily Blog Circuit" and the Blogroll have made the trip, too, so you can keep track of all of the bloggy baseball goodness that surrounds us.

There are a bunch of other things and as I continue to unpack the boxes, I will add some additional functionality and gizmos. Most importantly, I want your feedback. Please don't hesitate.

The URL: http://www.itsaboutthemoney.net/

Please update your bookmarks and feeds.

Once again, thanks for your loyalty over the last year and a half. I hope to see you over at the new place.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

THE LIST? Are these the real 103?

Shysterball and Jay from FackYouk clued me into a Tim Marchman article that identifies the "alleged" 103 names who tested positive in 2003. Craig downplayed the significance of the names ("there are maybe 2-3 names on it that will raise an eyebrow"); I firmly disagree. I think there are more big names than I expected.

I am not going to post the names until I get a confirmation. But if this list is legit, we got a whopper coming. You can follow those links to get it yourself. It's a fake.

Stay tuned; as soon as there's a confirmation, I will post it. After all, more than 60% of you wanted this list released, so this might be your chance.

UPDATE: The list is bogus, a fake, fraudulent, a sham, spurious, a con, faux, ersatz... Please resume your daily duties with no further chest-beating.

Is Hughes the new Joba? Huh?

You can count me as one of those who loves what he sees with Hughes' emergence in the Yanks bullpen. He can handle two big innings, throws heat, gets the ball to either Bruney or Mo.

Sure, he's a starter toiling in the bullpen right now, but given the depth of their rotation (especially with Wang making some improvements), I think Hughes should remain here at least until Joba hits his inning limits.

Not by coincidence, Hughes' velocity has seen a jump since he moved to the bullpen, even though this wasn't the original plan. Of course Hughes would prefer to stick in the big leagues -- the pay, travel, everything is better; no one grows up dreaming of pitching in Triple-A -- but even though relieving isn't his first choice, Joe Girardi and Brian Cashman have been impressed by his open mind.

Let's not forget that Hughes isn't far removed from being touted as a top prospect, so we shouldn't be completely stunned that he's finding success. But, looking to cut off another Joba Chamberlain debate at the pass, the Yankees are making sure people know Hughes really is a starter masquerading as a reliever.
Joba should be a starter. For good. I also understand that the Yanks will try to cap his innings around the 150-175 mark. In other words, Joba's pitched almost half his season already, having thrown 75.2 innings thus far this year, making 14 starts. So when Joba gets closer to 150 innings, I could see Hughes and Joba possibly swapping roles, allowing them to remain effective and fresh.

Of course, there are the playoffs, should they make it. I'd like to believe that Joba, assuming all else is the same, is the #3 starter in any playoff rotation. Does it make sense to remove Joba from the starting rotation in September, only to toss him back in it in October? Or just cap his innings on a game-by-game basis, stopping at 6 innings?

How do you handle these two young guns? I don't have the answers. But I keep looking for them.
Do you let them throw as long as they are healthy and effective? Or do you continue to baby the hell out of them, ever fearing the worst? Do you have to develop a way to separate "easy innings" from "high stress" innings. Are "easy innings" innings in which the pitcher gets out in under 12 pitches? Are "high stress" innings those that require greater than 18 pitches? After all, all innings are not created equal.

I've listened to/read Goose Gossage, Jim Kaat and Tommy John recently, discussing how they believe pitchers need to train to go longer in games. The old "you don't train to run a marathon by running 2 miles" analogy. I had been a big believer in the protecting of arms at all costs, but I have come around to more of the old school approach. Over-protecting an arm is fine if you think that arm belongs to a motion that is flawed. But if the pitcher has good fundamentals and approach, I think the pitchers need to learn to extend, reach for that extra inning. Stop looking towards the dugout once he gets close to 100 pitches.

Small guys like Lincecum and Oswalt each tossed 2 hit complete games last night. Lincecum has gone the distance in 3 of his last 4 games. He's conditioned himself to do that. Halladay, too. Lincecum's highest pitch count in any one inning was "just" 13 pitches. He finished the game in under 100 pitches. No walks, 8 K's. Efficiency.

I'd like to see Joba and Hughes eventually get to that.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Off Topic: Madoff gets 150 years

You don't come here for this sort of news, but I mention it only because a colleague had a good reaction to hearing of the sentencing:

"They should take away every penny he has and just release him. Let's see how long he survives."
That's both twisted and brilliant. Can't you see the courtroom doors swinging open, Madoff standing next to the bailiff who has a stopwatch handy?

"OK, Bernie... you're free to go. And...GO!"

Back to baseball.

Mets search for character via an OF fence: FAIL

Disclaimer: I have not been to CitiField.

I have, however, spent the weekend watching the games played at CitiField. What they have seemingly tried to do, by creating a stadium with "character" via kooky OF lines, is just stupid. Mets fans, if you know this already, please allow me to be the last seat on the bus since it's not exactly new.

From all I have heard, CitiField is great. Except for the fact that the entire front lobby/theater is dedicated to the Dodgers, not the Mets, of course. I'm supportive of deeper dimentions to suppress offense; Yankee Stadium is playing ridiculous so far.

What's absurd:

  1. The OF lines that have sought to create an artificial "character" to the park. You can click on the blueprint to the right for a larger view of just how silly these lines are. I'm good with a big park, but these angles and nooks are just silly.
  2. The equally wacky, random and varying OF wall heights.
If you click on the aerial shot of CitiField or the NY Times diagram, you will get a pretty good view of these random and varied OF wall heights. This has to be the reason why Instant Replay MUST remain in the game. Just look at this stupidity. Starting at the left field pole, you come out a few feet horizontally, then dip down. After that dip, you have an angling wall height for a seating section-and-a-half, from 12 feet to 15 feet. The wall remains the same height until you approach center field, where it dips down a few feet (to 11') again until it gets to The Apple (16'), where it rises back to the previous height (11'). After The Apple, the wall again dips (8') and seemingly follows the same height as the right field begins to jut out and then recede for no good reason. As you get to that right field depression, the fence rises to (18') make room for the Modells sign. Nice work, Modells, getting some prime real estate. It actually looks like the park's dimentions were modified to fit advertising, not the other way around. As you get to the right corner, the wall angles inward while the height becomes quite low (8').

This makes sense why? Just to be different? To add character? The ballpark didn't have to be cookie-cutter and uniform, but why take it to an extreme like this? They could make it deep and have character without these "additions". Just dumb. Why, too, are the poles and boundary lines in a reddish orange, not yellow?

The rest of the park looks great. I love the dark brickwork. Love the overall look of the stadium, but I just can't get used to these walls and lines in the OF.