My head hurts. Trying to decipher the "unwritten rules of baseball" can do that to ya. So, here's my short but sweet answer:
There, I said it. What am I talking about? The whining by the Indians (and others) about Joba's fist pump/yell after he struck out Dellucci yesterday. Big deal. It wasn't doing it in his (Dellucci's face). He turned and let out a bellow of excitement after an important out. Two days after the same Dellucci cranked a 3 run HR off Joba.

"That's what gets him going and that's what everybody likes to see, but if a hitter was to do something like that they'd probably say it was 'bush (league)' and you shouldn't do it," Dellucci said. "It's kind of funny how a pitcher can get away with it."
Please, get over it. Hall of Famer Eckersley did it and no one minded. Manny admires flyballs, even if they are caught. Juan Uribe, JUAN URIBE!, throws two hands up on a follow-thru when he thinks he hits one. Kirk "I don't believe what I just saw" Gibson did a double fist thing after his famous homer off of, who else, Eck (OK, that was a bit more important than a K in the 8th inning on May 8th, but I digress).
My point is, so long as the expression of relief/joy is done in the spirit of the moment and not done to intentionally show up the opposition, I am fine with it.
The Yanks had been called "corporate" and "professional" during the latter half of the Torre years. I called it boring and uninspiring. Jeter's fist pump was as emotional as it got. Watching the impact that younger guys like Melky and Cano and Joba, and even Duncan, have had on the vets is important. The jumping around with Melky/Cano is fun (heck, it even woke up the catatonic Abreu). Joba's yelling and fist pumping is exciting and not meant to embarass any opposing player. Duncan's forearm pounding is silly but so what? It's all meant to give their team a lift.
Stop being such a stodgy stick in the mud.
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