Monday, February 11, 2008

I can't, I just can't. Sorry.

Sorry. Really. I tried. I tried again. I failed.

I tried to recap the whole weekend of Clemens/McNamee related mess, from Debbie Clemens getting injected, to the "he was at the party"/"no he wasn't", to the UPenn debunking of Clemens's agent's "stat book", to the agents' rebuttal, to Rusty Hardin daring well-known pitbull/IRS agent Jeff Novitsky to show up at the hearings, to Waxman's counter to Hardin's dare... and quite frankly, I'm nearing the O.D. stage.

I'm officially going Clemens-free for the next 2 days, until he and great buddy former teammate Pettitte (and Knoblauch) appear with McNamee in front of Congress on Wednesday.

Pitchers and catchers in THREE days. Baseball previews and discussion on the docket this week. FINALLY!!!

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