
Why aren't the Yanks interested in locking up Wang in a longer term contract? Why the hesitation? A shoulder situation in 2005? Around 200 IP the last 2 years dispells that worry, methinks.
Said yesterday in an article:
"I want to," Wang said of inking a multi-year contract. "They told me it's not the time because for pitchers it's hard to stay healthy."
Smacks of hypocrisy since they were strongly giving consideration to giving Johan 6 years, but not Wang? Not the same caliber pitcher, no question, but Wang's not yet 28. Why are the Yanks playing hardball with Wang? Why not offer him a 4 year deal for $32M (or 5/$40M),
It just seems totally hypocritical of the Yanks to toss up the "injury concern" thing regarding Wang but were willing to ignore it (to a degree) with Johan (and his lousy 2nd half and reported decreased velocity).
I would be pretty excited if the Yanks could lock down Wang for 4-5 years at a reasonable rate, something less than journeyman/mediocre pitchers like Carlos Silva, Kyle Lohse, etc. all seem to be getting. That'd be a smart move, in my opinion.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Or not.
Where's the hypocrisy? Yes, they were "strongly giving consideration" to a deal that involved a long-term contract for Santana.
Well, I'm sure they also strongly gave consideration to a long-term deal for Wang. But ultimately they decided against both. Seems to me they're being pretty consistent.
the hypocrisy lies in the fact that if the Yanks had executed a deal for Johan, the 6 year extension for a pitcher already older than Wang, would not have been the main issue.
Why it's an issue for a younger, home-grown guy is beyond me. Now, the Yanks have him under control for 4 more years (including Arb years), I believe. Buying him out of those Arb years and a year or 2 of free agency would seem to be a prudent thing to do.
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