I won't harp on this, but it's worth noting:
Major League Baseball's investigations team intends to meet with Alex Rodriguez between tomorrow and Friday to discuss his recent confessions of illegal performance-enhancing drug use...So assuming he didn't buy/use this stuff on MLB grounds, Selig has no recourse with regards to fines or suspensions. Another investigation where the investigators have dull, gray baby teeth.
For all of Bud Selig's threats of discipline against the Yankees' third baseman, there's virtually no chance of that happening. A-Rod likely will bring both a personal attorney - he just hired Jay Reisinger, who has represented Andy Pettitte and Sammy Sosa - and a players association lawyer with him, and the only questions Rodriguez will be compelled to answer are whether he procured illegal PEDs on MLB grounds - the clubhouse, for instance, or the team plane.
Since Sports Illustrated reported his positive result from the 2003 survey testing, Rodriguez has offered one story to ESPN's Peter Gammons and a second to a group of media. He won't have to offer a third version, as long as he is properly represented.
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