I got this Commish For A Day entry a bit late, but not only was it well-written, it was on a subject that I hoped someone would tackle. Reader TJ was good enough to send this manifesto covering the very sensitive subject of realignment. TJ is currently a senior at The College of New Jersey who is life long Yankees fan.
If I was commissioner for a day I would make two new teams. They can be from anywhere but two possibilities that I thought of are Nashville, Tennessee and Charlotte, North Carolina. I believe Major League teams could do well in these areas. There would then be 32 teams in the Majors. I would make 16 teams per league with 4 divisions in each league, all with 4 teams. It is one of the worse setups to have a different amount of teams in divisions. For a division to have 4 teams, most to have 5, and another to have 6 is just not fair around the league. This setup would eliminate the wildcard; there would be one winner from each division. Every team then would have a 25% chance to make the playoffs each year.
For a detailed look at what I would do please see the information below:
16 Teams in both leagues divided into two conferences and four divisions per league like listed below:
American League
Conference 1
Division 1Division 2
- Baltimore Orioles
- New York Yankees
- Boston Red Sox
- Toronto Blue Jays
- Chicago White Sox
- Cleveland Indians
- Detroit Tigers
- Milwaukee Brewers *
Conference 2
Division 3Division 4
- Kansas City Royals
- Minnesota Twins
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Tampa Bay Rays
National League
- Los Angeles Angels
- Oakland A's
- Seattle Mariners
- Texas Rangers
Conference 1
Division 1Division 2
- New York Mets
- Philadelphia Phillies
- Charlotte, North Carolina
- Washington Nationals
Conference 2
- Chicago Cubs
- Pittsburgh Pirates
- St. Louis Cardinals
- Cincinnati Reds
Division 3
- Houston Astros
- Florida Marlins
- Atlanta Braves
- Colorado Rockies
Division 4
- Los Angeles Dodgers
- San Diego Padres
- San Francisco Giants
- Arizona DiamondBacks
* I switched the Brewers back to the American League so each league could have one of the new teams.
Division – 14 Games *3 Teams = 42 Games (Two 3 Games Series, Two 4 Game Series (Two Games at Home & Two Games Away Per Series))
Conference – 12 Games * 4 Teams = 48 Games (All 3 Game Series)
League – 6 Games *8 Teams = 48 Games (All 3 Game Series)
Inter-League (Different Division Each Year) – 6 Games * 4 Teams = 24 Games (All 3 Game Series)
Total = 162 Games
The point of the four game series being split up into two games at home and two games on the road is because it will give it more of a playoff atmosphere. Four game series are long and get old; put four straight games, two at each ballpark would make it interesting. There would also be no natural rivalries with this new system.
No more Wild Card. A winner from each division gets into the playoffs. Any ties in the division will go to a one game playoff. Three rounds in the playoffs each 7 game series. Best record during the season decides home field advantage including the World Series (not decided by the All Star Game anymore). If tied for the best record then the tiebreaker would be best head to head record then best interleague play record if necessary.
Well done. There's a lot here to digest but to those out there reading, use the comments to share your thoughts.
I happen to love the Wild Card and might suggest it with the top two teams in each league getting a first round bye (giving some real value to that regular season record). It would stretch the season a bit but if you toss a few extra double-headers in during the season, it could be done.
For previous CFAD entries:
They have conferences in football and hockey, not baseball. Conferences don't belong in baseball, unless they take place on the pitcher's mound.
Nice thought, but you have to come up with different wording. Next thing you know, people will be wanting taxi squads?
Boy, that seems like a surefire way to get stuck with a 78-84 team reaching the playoffs while a 95-win team stays home.
As a Twins fan, however, I have no problem with having to compete against Kansas City and the expansion team. Now, if we can only get Tampa to revert.
Switch Atlanta/Florida with St.Louis/Chicago and I think you have yourself a deal.
And Virtual, the NL West always gives us our 78 win teams. What's the difference?
The only reason I called it a conference is because I had no other word for it. Feel free to call it what you want.
Virtual Memories, I agree that is a concern but it can still happen with the system today. My feeling is the better team in each division is in the playoffs so if your team did not make it you were not good enough to get in.
I am surprised more people do not complain about having a different amount of teams in each division. to have 4 teams in the AL West and 6 teams in the NL Central is just not fair. At least they should switch one team from the NL to the AL and put 5 teams in each division.
I think this is the best CFAD idea so far. Geographically speaking I would swap Chicago and Cleveland with KC and Minny, and include the 2 wild cards as suggested.
You can't have 15 teams in each league unless you make interleague play year-round (and commence the yelling). 15 teams in each league means that someone has to take a night off, which gets really complicated if not impossible.
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