Friday, January 30, 2009

What's in a name, anyways

Not quite the Chad Johnson/Ocho Cinco hubbub from this past NFL season, but it seems that Russell Martin of the Dodgers is changing the name on the back of his jersey.

As the lettering on the back of his jersey will attest this spring, it's "J. Martin" this year, and that's not the only change Russell Martin would like to announce.

The "J" is Martin's way of paying tribute to his mother, as it represents her maiden name -- Jeanson. Martin's legal name is Russell Nathan Jeanson Coltrane Martin.
Now, THAT is some name. Any name that can stuff "Coltrane" in as the third middle name is a prodigious name by any definition. I wonder what his monogrammed towels look like.

Down in the same article, Martin give credit to Manny for reminding him and others to have fun while playing this game. Good advice, methinks:
"I think we all learned from him, realizing that you don't always have to be stone-faced to be successful," said Martin.

"This guy is smiling and having a good time, laughing it up, and he's hitting homer after homer and driving guys in and really supporting the team and carrying the team to the postseason. It made me realize that you're supposed to have fun in this game. If you have fun, then you enjoy it, and it's going to be a better experience."

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