Personally, I think he's got the right sort of disposition to handle the critics, the disarming personality that the press corps will eat up. But the Daily News' Bob Raissman is a bit more concerned:
Not only can Sabathia look forward to having each start - win or lose - over-analyzed by the media, he will hear about Santana, too. Al Yankzeera is likely preparing to alert the free world to the TV ratings Sabathia generates each and every time he pitches, but only if they are better than the numbers generated by Santana when he hurls on SNY.
The CC to-do checklist, please: Collect major moolah; participate in a prefabricated pitching "rivalry"; juice Al Yank ratings. Help fill expensive seats at the new Yankee Stadium. Be a significant force in taking the Bombers deep into October.
And if all that isn't enough, Sabathia can also look forward to having his off-field movements scrutinized, too. Along with the dough comes official Yankee celebrity status. Sabathia's name is about to transcend the sports pages. Gossip, anyone? His family will share in this lovely experience.
This, however, is the real concern and as I said in the open, I think CC has the right personality to deal with it. And surely new buddy Jeter will help him navigate the waters.
"I know CC well enough to know he didn't really want to go to New York," said Sheldon Ocker, the veteran Indians beat writer for the Akron Beacon Journal. "I don't think it (Sabathia's reluctance) was about the Yankees, but it was the city. The media stuff might wear on him. I don't know. He certainly is aware of what he's getting into. And I'm sure he has it in his head that he can deal with it (the New York media), but when you face the reality of it it's sometimes different."
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