Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday fun: Stanley Cup errors, including "ass man"

This post's header should boost my Google search results...

I've discussed this before, my greatest sports fandom moment isn't baseball-related. It's the 1994 Rangers championship. That being said, there are some awesome things about hockey that I love, even though I don't watch much of it anymore.

Like spelling errors on the Stanley Cup. I've heard/seen many of these, either in stories or in person, but this one was new to me:
One cup quirk isn't actually a mistake, but a victim of an unfortunate change in popular lexicon. Frank Selke was an assistant manager for the Maple Leafs when they won the cup in 1945. His title is abbreviated as "ass man." Says Philip Pritchard of the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, "We don't tell a lot of people about the ass man," he says. "Players love the story, though."
Who isn't, Frank Selke? Who isn't? And what does the title of "ass train" mean, too?

Wait, the coach of the 1945 MapleLeafs was named "Happy Day"?


Zach Sanders said...

I'm not sure if the hits you get from "ass man" are people you want on your site.

Jason B said...

I'm guessing the Ass Train is the assistant trainer.

The Ass Man is a proctologist. Kramer got his plates.
