Howard Bryant, the incredibly talented author and frequent writer on ESPN, shreds the Angels:
The 2002 Angels, for example, are the legitimate champions of an illegitimate time, just as Bonds is the legitimate home run champion of a discredited era. Despite Angels manager Mike Scioscia's adamant public stand against drugs, people around the game point privately to that club as one of the premier steroid-fueled teams thanks in part to a bullpen rife with career minor leaguers who suddenly began throwing in the mid-90s after their 30th birthdays.Is anyone shocked, though? Didn't think so.
Glaus was the MVP of that 2002 World Series, which is looking more and more like the definitive Steroid Series. Glaus, Brendan Donnelly and Schoeneweis, all of whom have been implicated, played for the Angels that season. On the Giants, there were Bonds, Benito Santiago, Marvin Benard, David Bell and Rich Aurilia. And that doesn't include the players who were suspect.
I think that's the first time I've read "Howard Bryant" and "talented author" in the same sentence.
Shocked? No. If you go by the Mitchell Report, it was determined that Glaus had taken PED's from 2003 on. So that leaves two other players mentioned by name. Referring to the Mitchell Report once again it states that there is "insufficient evidence" when it comes to the use of PED's in Schoenweis' case.
I can't really look at the case Howard Bryant is presenting and say that he has ripped the Angels team of 2002 to shreds.
If any one team could represent the All PED's team I think the New York Yankees make a stronger case.
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