Friday, January 25, 2008

Anonymity, schmanonymity

Remember when MLB drug testing results were under lock and key, and the players were promised anonymity? How quaint. Not so much any more.

A bit of background: Way back in 2004 when BALCO and other labs were being investigated, federal investigators had search warrants for 11 players. The feds seized computers from these labs and, lo and behold, they contained more players' testing results than the 11 they were seeking. (Anyone shocked here? Didn't think so.)

Feds argued that they can keep all the information since "the 11 names it wanted were irrevocably mixed with the other names on computer hard drives". How convenient.

The MLBPA (player's union) obviously and justifiably fought this, citing player's rights to unlawful search and seizure. Not sure, but I think that's a violation of the 2nd Amendment. Any lawyer-types want to confirm?

The MLBPA won, initially. Then was overturned in December 2006 by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals . Announced last night that they had affirmed their ruling, thereby allowing the feds to keep all the names and data found on the confiscated computers.

So, is there ANY surprise about the reluctance of the Union and all MLB ballplayers to "cooperate" with the Mitchell Investigation or any other PED-related investigation? There is no anonymity. The feds cannot guarantee it and surely MLB can't, either.

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