Wait, did I see what I thought I see? Was that T.O. really bawling about "that's my QB"? Sorry to go all-caps on you but ARE YOU FREAKIN' SERIOUS?!?!?
Is this the same guy who has built up a tremendous reputation as a QB killer? The same guy who subterfuged both Jeff Garcia AND Donovan McNabb, not to mention Bledsoe last year in Dallas? Now he crys for Romo. First Moss becomes a team-player in New England and now TO crying for his QB in Dallas. Is there nothing right in this world any more?
"This is not about Tony," Owens said, welling up. "You guys can point the finger at him, you can talk about the vacation, and if you do that, it's really unfair. It's really unfair. That's my teammate. That's my quarterback. You guys do that, it's not fair. We lost as a team. We lost as a team, man."
Thanks TO.

Jessica is sooo hot...What is she doing with Tony Romo???
- Rick
Believe me she will not be with him by the time summer rolls around.....NEXT!
It's jsut a matter of time before she starts asking Tony Chicken of the Sea questions.
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